Sometimes, it can feel like we’re just one person – a teeny tiny little mustard seed. Sometimes we can feel quite isolated in our faith, especially when it gets tough. It can feel like the world is totally against us. But together, we start to grow and can transform into something bigger and bolder. That’s why sharing in community and sharing with those who haven’t met Jesus yet is super important. We’re stronger together.
Corpus Christi - Reflection
Trinity Sunday - Reflection
The mystery of the Trinity also makes it easier for us to access and relate to God in the way that suits each of us best. For those who relate best to God as a parent, God revealed himself as the one with life in control, doing wonderful deeds and protecting and providing for us his children. But as there are some of us who need a brother, a best friend, a close companion who knows our human experience, God the Son entered into our world as Jesus Christ.
Life after Launch!
Jesus has helped shaped my life and me as a person especially when I had my first ever encounter with Jesus at Ignite Conference in Prayer Teams where the leaders praying for me distinctly told me exactly how I was feeling during the prayer. I’m the type to lock up my thoughts and emotions and never let them out so this experience for me completely changed my mind on my perspective of who Jesus is and his purpose in my life.
Pentecost - Reflection
When we pray 'Come Holy Spirit,’ we are inviting the same Spirit that filled apostles and the disciples two thousand years ago and the saints and holy men and women that have been transformed since then. We are inviting the Spirit who knows no limits, who rose Jesus from the dead and who wants to do something incredible in your life today.
Ascension of the Lord - Reflection
As he ascends into heaven. They stand there looking up at the sky wondering why this is happening. “I can’t believe he is leaving us.” Then some angels ask them, why are you men of Galilee standing here looking up into the sky? You will not find Jesus there. He will be with you on the road. Go and make disciples of all nations.