Ascension of the Lord - Reflection

Photo by Tim J on Unsplash

Photo by Tim J on Unsplash

A Reflection from the Fuel Daily Readings App for the Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord. Click here to read the reading.

It so hard to say goodbye to someone you love. However, saying goodbye can actually strengthen your relationship. Saying goodbye can make you reflect on the relationship and cherish the memories that you have shared with that person. You remember the good times you’ve had together. You come to realise how much you value the other person. Saying goodbye challenges you not to take them for granted. There can a deep pain in your heart. But that pain expresses the love, you have for that person. Imagine the experience of the disciples. They are losing their master and friend, the one who loved them until the end.

The Disciples would have experienced an emotional rollercoaster in the weeks leading up to the ascension. Jesus was taken away from them, condemned as a criminal. Imagine the grief and loss, the shame and guilt the disciples would have felt. Then three days later, he is raised from the dead. The overwhelming joy they now experience, Jesus had returned to them. They are not alone anymore; we have Jesus on our side. We are unstoppable.

But just when they least expected it, he is leaving them again. “This is crazy”, they must have thought, “I can’t believe this is happening.” How do they deal with this now? What does all this mean? There are so many questions. How are we going to survive without him? They would have relied on Jesus for everything, and now he is leaving them. As he ascends into heaven. They stand there looking up at the sky wondering why this is happening. “I can’t believe he is leaving us.” Then some angels ask them, why are you men of Galilee standing here looking up into the sky? You will not find Jesus there. He will be with you on the road. Go and make disciples of all nations.

The disciples were ordinary people from Galilee and Jesus trusted them with his own mission. How extraordinary is that? I’m guessing you’re an ordinary person just like the disciples. Jesus trusts you to continue his mission. He has commissioned you to go out into the world and proclaim the good news by your life. But you don’t have to do this in your own strength. You have the power of the Holy Spirit working in you. You are not alone Jesus is closer to you now more than ever.

+ Come Holy Spirit pour out your presence into our lives, set us on fire to bring your love to others in the ordinary events of our lives. Amen