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A Reflection from the Fuel Daily Readings App for the feast of St Mary of the Cross. Click here to read the reading.
When I look at my life, I can see the times when I was under the most worry and fear about things that in hindsight, weren’t actually that scary. Now I don’t mean horror films (though they are terrifying to me), but rather what might happen.
“What if?” is such a powerful pair of words. It can be so crushing. What if I lose my job? What if she/he never loves me? What if I don’t get into that class? What if I fail? Two words that can ruin a day.
The characters in our readings are stuck in this headspace. The widow says to Elijah, “I have no food, what if I run out?” The crowd is filled with a fear of not having all they need: “What if we can’t afford to clothe?”
But that’s not all they are. “What if” need not be a bad pair with doom and destruction in their wake. What if has the power to make our lives beautiful. They are words that can lead us to dream and plan a new vision.
Jesus calls us to trust. There is nothing that we need to worry about because God will provide all we need. When we worry about getting what we need for ourselves, we lose sight of God, the one who will provide for us.
Jesus calls us to focus on God and trust that He will provide.
+ Lord Jesus, help me to trust. Help me to focus on you and following you, knowing that you provide all we need. Amen.