Conference Devotional: Preparing for Encounter

We often talk about Ignite Conference being a 'mountain' moment of the year; it is a high of faith, prayer, worship and relationships. If you've been to Ignite Conference before, you know how this mountaintop experience can propel you onwards for the rest of the year. However, as we are quickly approaching the conference, it can be helpful to start preparing to 'summit' this mountain. Here are 3 easy ways to prepare yourself to be able to retreat and receive at Ignite Conference 2021.

1. Don't just ride the wave.

If you are anything like me, anytime I know I have a big event or moment of change coming up, it is tempting to ride the wave until it arrives. If I have things I'm motivated to change about myself in early December, how could I possibly start now before Christmas; it might just be better to leave it for a New Years resolution. More and more, I realise that there are always reasons why starting now isn't the right time. 

For Ignite Conference, don't wait until September 22nd to start preparing yourself for the amazing things that God wants to do in your life. The newness that is on offer is available for you today!

2. Start packing your spiritual backpack

For the trek up to the summit that is Ignite Conference, you are going to need to start packing your spiritual backpacks. This is going to look different for each person. It might be starting praying about what the theme of Unleash means to you, refreshing yourself with the music from Emmanuel Worship (listen here on Spotify), or taking a moment to write down where you are in your faith right now. On that last point, this check-in can be a powerful way to see how you've been moved by Ignite Conference by looking back to this point when you get home.

3. Assemble your team

When going on a journey, you need to have a crew to go with you. Although being in nature can be a nice solo experience, for a serious expedition you need a support team to go with you. You may already have people that are coming to Ignite Conference with you, now could be a good time to start chatting with them about what they are excited about and how they are preparing.

If you don't have your crew together, it's time to start gathering the people that you can share these memories that you will be making. Invite your friends to register now to make sure that they can secure their tickets.

I hope that these are some helpful tips and that your journey to Ignite Conference 2021 is a smooth one!