Ignite Lead is a two year leadership and discipleship program designed to form youth leaders in faith and teach practical youth ministry skills. Facilitated by a team of experienced youth ministers from Ignite Youth with support from ministry leaders from across the Brisbane Archdiocese.

It is open to anyone who is serving in or wants to serve in youth ministry in a school or parish setting. Open to anyone from Grade 11 to young adults (up to 25 years old). 

Year One - Discipleship

This year will deepen your understanding of the Catholic faith and foster your relationship with God. We cover topics that go to the core of Catholic teaching including : The Trinity, Church Teachings, Prayer, Moral Choices, Living out your faith in the Modern World and more.

Year Two - Leadership

This year focuses on leadership in a youth ministry setting and encourages self reflections and development of key skills. We also teach the practicals of ministry skills including: Giving Talks, Leading Small Groups, Running Games, Crowd Managment and more. 



In addition to attending sessions, participants are required to complete four projects from a selection of eight. Projects include: Fatih Series, planning schedules, preparing a testimony/talk/prayer experience and research projects. Participants are also required to take part in self reflection activities (Reflections on Ministry) throughout the year.

2018 Dates

  •  19th May, 12-5pm (followed by an Emmanuel Community Spirit night)
  • 23rd June, 1-9pm
  • 28th July, 1-5.30pm
  • 25th August, 1-5.30 pm
  • 27th October, 1-8pm

Delegates can also complete projects by volunteering at Ignite Conference 2018.

Register for Ignite Lead

Ignite Lead is run from the Ignite Youth office in Paddington, QLD. Cost for the program is $125 per year, for more information please contact our office on 07 3217 5199.