Ignite Youth

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Ignite Conference 2017 Devotional - Come, Follow Me

I’ve been having a problem at work, and I’m certain that it is my own fault. I’ll be happily sitting at my own desk, typing away, working hard, headphones in and music bumping. Next thing I know, a soft mist is falling on my hair. Today, Tash, who I work with and sits beside me, had to spray me with whiteboard cleaner to get my attention.

Turns out, she had been calling out to me for a couple of minutes. I argue that she could have gotten up and tapped me on the shoulder but still, I just wasn’t prepared for an interruption.

Right at the very start of Mark’s Gospel, within the first Chapter, we read of Christ’s invitation to a pair of brothers. No one special, in fact, they were arguably less-than-special, they were invited to follow Jesus on what was the adventure of a lifetime.

Their life was fine, and their work was meaningful. And yet, they were interrupted, literally mid-task, and called by Jesus. Jesus journeyed along the shoreline of Galilee and met his first Apostles where they were at – physically and spiritually. Come, follow me. Their response was not one of ignorance, but of immediacy. They left everything and followed.

This year at the Ignite Conference, Christ is calling out, making a similar invitation.

Come, to Ignite Conference. Come as you are, mid-task. Interrupt your life in the way Jesus interrupted Peter and Andrew’s. Because, just as he promised to make those brothers fishers of men, he promises to meet us – to take our skills, our dreams and our passions and multiply them. Jesus is calling out, saying come. Will you follow him?

Ignite Conference is a national Catholic youth conference held in Brisbane on 21-24 September 2017. For more details head to www.igniteconference.com.au/come

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