“Walking up the mountain is way harder!”
These words might be ringing in your ears from the final talk as you walk down from the mountain top experience of Ignite Conference. You may have already faced challenges these past few weeks. You might feel alone. You could be doubting your experience…and don’t those old habits and relationships that are no longer compatible with this new way of life look attractive?! I said that the people who told you life would be difficult when you walk down the mountain were lying… you may be thinking that I was the one who lied to you.
Just remember, you were not told that following Jesus would be easy, but wonderfu!. That if you try to walk down this mountain and hang onto your old life, this journey would be more difficult than it needs to be. If you are having a hard time readjusting from Ignite Conference… just know… you are not alone.
When Jesus took Peter, James, and John down from a mountaintop experience not so different from yours (see Matthew 17), they also faced challenges. For Peter, his best friend and teacher was arrested, he did exactly what he said he wouldn’t do (denied knowing Jesus – see Mark 14:29-31 & Luke 24:54-62). Jesus was then crucified, and all his friends were scattered. Do you feel alone? Have you already done what you said you wouldn’t do? Have you lost the hope you found? You are not alone.
Do you know what Peter did when he faced these challenges? He managed them perfectly and didn’t lose hope… Just kidding. He went back to what he was doing before he met Jesus… he went fishing (see John 21).
After fishing all night, they caught nothing… read that again. Yes, you can expect your old way of life to give you nothing as well. But Jesus calls out to them from the beach and cooks them some bread and fish for breakfast. What do you make with bread and fish? A tuna sub.
Jesus is waiting for you. He’s waiting for you wherever you are and whenever you find yourself – at home, at school, uni or work. He’s waiting for you to talk to Him, to continue to invite him into your life. He’s also waiting for you at your local Church, whether you’ve walked off the narrow path or not. He is waiting to feed you, nourish you, encourage you, and unburden you.
So go and make some sandwiches! Serve tea and coffee after Mass! Get on the reading roster! Join that Alpha course! Help out at your local soup kitchen! Fill out that application form for mission! Do what you committed to!
Remember David slaying that giant? With the Lord on your side, anything is possible. Whilst making sandwiches and doing small things with great love, that is where you will learn to whack wolves and wrestle bears. Those giants will fall. You have what it takes.